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Admin Guidelines  

Member Moderator

👍 The Do's 👍
DO be respectful and relatively professional during sits and RPing, no one likes an immature moderator/admin
DO help people with any questions they have an attempt to be the first one to a sit all the time, this will be noticed and you may get promoted
DO respect other people’s privacy. Spectating them or teleporting to them constantly is a big NO
DO listen to both sides of an admin sit and use logs to your advantage
DO ask for admin/mod help if you're unsure what to do or how to punish people
DO use common sense. Banning people for 2 weeks because they had 4 fading doors instead of 3 is a big NO
DO ignore sits with the ignore button if it does not follow the "Sit Guidelines"
DO go to sits that follow the "Sit Guidelines"
DO be a positive role model. Our players look up to you guys. Acting like children will get the players to act like children


👎 The Do Not's 👎
 abuse no-clip. This is the fastest way to get demoted. Flying away for RP reasons and flying into bases or anything else is not tolerated
DO NOT warn people for 3 different reasons if they broke three different rules in one act. 1 warning will do and they should learn from it. If they don't warn them again
DO NOT ban/kick people for RP reasons. Ex) Billy Bob raided Sugar's house and Sugar got angry and banned him for 2 hours for some bullshit reason
DO NOT compensate people with money or guns unless you're running a charity. You will not be refunded
DO NOT unban people unless you banned the wrong person or given explicit permission by an S-Mod+
DO NOT think you're above the rules. Staff will follow all the server rules as players do
DO NOT teleport or bring other staff without messaging them first. This goes along with respecting their privacy. Message them in admin chat, discord, or steam first
DO NOT ban or kick other staff unless they go rogue for whatever reason. Message a admin or higher immediately if this happens
DO NOT cause drama or get involved in drama as staff. This includes leaking private staff chat / discussions to players and can lead to a demotion on the first offense
DO NOT talk or act like a child. This does not mean you can't have fun, but staff should be professional at all time when interacting with players
DO NOT use staff tools for your own amusement. This includes /forcerpname for yourself or your friends on the Server or Discord
DO NOT use staff tools on players unless you're involved in a sit (example: teleporting your friend inside your base because it's easier)


🔗 Useful Binds 🔗

Staff Menu: bind g "ulx menu"
Noclip: bind v "ulx noclip"   
Server Logs: /slogs in chat or bind t “slogs” in console


⚙️ Chat/Console Commands ⚙️

!noclip;ulx noclip - Used to noclip in sitland ONLY
!xban - Used to ban players with the menu it brings up
!warn - Used to warn players when they do something wrong
!sit - Used to go to sitland
!thetime - shows the time in OOC - useful before reset to help other players
!nolag - Freezes all server props - used to stop lag or prop spammers
shownlr - Shows death positions  - useful in NLR sits and crossfire sits
!menu;ulx menu - Brings up a menu with the commands listed below
!gigamute - Gags and Mutes the player that this is used on - useful for racist/vulgar people


⚙️ Staff Menu Commands ⚙️

gigamute - Gags and Mutes the player that this is used on
cpban - Stops the player from being any CP job  - used in NLA cases
mute - Stops the player from using text chat - useful for people spamming local chat or being racist - use Gigamute most of the time
gag - Stops the player from using voice chat - useful for people being racist - use gigamute most of the time
ban - bans the player selected for the time selected - used to ban people committing extreme offenses
kick - kicks the player selected - used to kick vulgar people - useful for racist/vulgar people
spectate - spectates the player selected - used to spectate prop spammers, hackers, people farming with a building sign, etc.
bring - brings the player selected - used to bring people to a sit
goto - goes to the player selected - used to goto prop spammers, mrdmers that are jailed, etc.
return - returns the player selected - used to return players after a sit
send - sends the player selected to the other player selected
teleport - teleports the player selected to you
jail - jails the selected player at their current location - Can only be used when they are alive
jailtp - jails the selected player and brings them to you - Can only be used when they are alive
stopvote - stops a current vote kick/ban - use this only when staff are on and a player makes a vote

Strip - Strips the weapons from the selected player - useful for MRDMers but mostly just use jailtp
Set Team - Sets the job of the selected player - Useful for people that jobs get glitched or someone breaks a rule 

Posted : 18/11/2020 2:13 am