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Server Rules  

Member Admin
All rules listed must be obeyed at all times. If a certain rule is not listed that is enforced by an admin follow it and if you are unsure check with a higher member of staff
Please note: If staff tell you something that is not in the MOTD... the staff member is correct! Some rare rules are left out but you won't be warned for breaking these the 1st time!

Section 1: Essential Rules

1.1 - Don’t RDM - RDM is killing someone with no proper roleplay motive. Killing someone for self defence or financial/positional gain is allowed.
1.2 - Don’t break NLR - Don't return to where you died before 10 minutes has passed. This includes shooting into the NLR zone or interacting with anyone from your previous life.
1.3 - Don’t RDA (Random Arrest) - As a member of the police force, you can only arrest someone who broke one of the Mayor's laws or a default server law.
1.4 - Don’t FDA (Fading Door Abuse) - Don't use your keybinds to open fading doors in RP. Fading doors must remain open for at least 5 seconds. Keypads must have 0 second initial delay.
1.5 - Don’t Job Abuse - Job abuse is the use of a job for an advantageous reason, such as becoming a gun dealer to buy shipments of weapons for yourself.
1.6 - Don’t Fail RP - Try to keep roleplay sensible. If it doesn’t happen in real life then it shouldn’t happen in-game.
1.7 - Baiting is not allowed. For example, don't walk around with a gun out so the police will chase you. This includes recklessly driving through the main city.
1.8 - Don’t CDM (Car Deathmatch) - CDM is deliberately killing pedestrians with your car for no real RP reason.
1.9 - Cooldowns - You must wait at least 10 minutes between mugs, kidnaps and raiding different bases. These are separate cooldowns. You must wait 15 minutes to raid the same base and a raid cannot go on for longer than 15 minutes.
1.10 - Don't randomly place bounties - This is the same as RDM. You must have a valid RP reason to place a bounty. One example of a valid reason could be that the target is a police officer who arrested you previously (in the same life).
1.11 - Don't kill in green zones - A greenzone is an area where players are protected from mugs/kidnaps. The green zones on the map are the car dealers, the nexus, the bank and the Casino.
1.12 - No real-world trading - Trading in-game currency or items for real world money or items is very strictly prohibited.
1.13 -  Admin disrespect - do not insult an an admin during a sit this could lead to an extended jail time 
1.14 - Destroying your own entities when being raided is not allowed. Players who own entities inside a base may not destroy theirs or their base members entities in a raid situation where they feel they may lose to the raiders. This also includes leaving the server once a raider has gained access to your home and is in control of your entities. However, you may disconnect once the raider has collected all possible profits from the raid.
1.15 - If you have been weapon checked then you are not allowed to pull any weapons out of your inventory until the active roleplay situation has ended. Once the roleplay situation has ended, you may resume using your inventory.
1.16 - There is an RP timer of 5 minutes. For example, if you get mugged you have 5 minutes to get revenge on them by killing them etc.

1.17 - Don't block the NPC'S - when building around an NPC there needs to be space for other players to use the NPC 

1.18 - LTAP - leaveing the server to advoied a punishment will result in a ban

1.19 - Prop block - do not use a prop to block a person/keeping people from leaving 

1.20 - Racism - Racist/hate speach will not be tolerated. 

Section 2: Building Rules

2.1 - KOS Sign's are not allowed. If someone is trespassing on your property and posing a threat towards you then you may shoot them.
2.2 - If you're building you may have a building sign. Whilst having a building sign, criminals are not allowed to raid your base. Additionally, whilst having a building sign you are prohibited from purchasing any entities.
2.3 - You're not allowed to use one-way walls. This is seen as unrealistic and is unfair for raiders.

2.4 - Your building must be realistic, e.g. No kill boxes, 15 foot walls, corridors of death or crouch/jump entrances.
2.5 - You're not allowed to use No-Collided entrances. it must be clear where your entrance us.
2.6 - You are allowed a maximum of three fading doors: Two for the entrance of the base and one for item protection. Every other member inside the base is also allowed one additional fading door for item protection as well. The distance between your first and second entrance fading doors must be no longer than 1 long fence (models/props_c17/fence03a.mdl).
2.7 - No pixel holes. Don't build tiny holes to shoot through, a shooting hole needs to be at least the size of this prop (models/hunter/plates/plate05x05.mdl)
2.8 - Fading doors must be linked to keypads. All fading doors must be linked to at least one keypad from each side of the door, the keypad cannot be hidden, and must clearly link to the door.

2.9 - Fading door hold time must be at least 5 seconds. When creating a fading door it must have a hold length of at least 5 seconds, and an initial delay of zero seconds.
2.10 - You must not block off publicly accessible NPC's or ATM's - Blue ATM's & NPC's should not be blocked off by anyone they should be accessible at any time.
2.11 - Shooting through props (Walls Only) to attack raiders is fine, as long as it is not done in any death corridor and/or killbox fashion. A shoot-through prop CANNOT be one-sided and must be highly transparent (e.g. a window). It has to be a reasonable size and both people in the base must be clearly visible.
2.12 - You cannot use the world textures or blacked out props to your advantage.

2.13 - Fading doors must be one solid prop which covers the whole door way.

2.14 - Scanners/entities cannot be hidden in props. Scanners can be in a prop if there is a keypad.
2.15 - Elevators cannot be controlled by keypads, they must only be controlled by buttons.

2.16 -  sky base- you can not have a base that floats in the air it need to be on the ground.

Exceptions to these rules can be made by Super/Senior Admins in certain situations for some buildings/bases, however this is not a guarantee and is unlikely.

Section 3: Combat Rules

3.1 - While in combat you should try to avoid crossfire and only kill people who are a threat to you shooting people not involved in the conflict on purpose is seen as RDM. Only kill people who are holding a weapon out or about to kill you.
3.2 - While raiding,mugging or ordering someone to do something within RP, you can only kill them if they are not complying with your requests (E.G. AFK)
3.3 - Medics can’t revive anyone during a raid. Medics can revive and heal people after a raid, however not during a raid or gunfight.
3.4 - All jobs are prohibited from killing the Person that arrested them after getting released from prison. This means that you may not Kill the Officer yourself but you may place a bounty if you wish.
3.5 - You may only kill to defend another person if either of the following criteria are met:
1. They must be in your organization/party and have an identifying tag in their name or job title.
2. You must be actively roleplaying with them 
3.6 - You are not allowed to abuse hit-boxes whilst in a combat situation. This includes, but is not limited to, spamming crouch jump whilst in combat.

Section 4: mugging and kidnaping 

4.1 -  Mugging- max mug of 15k
4.2 -  mugging limit- you can mug the same person every 15 minutes 

4.3 - kidnapping - you can kidnap the same person every 20 minutes 

4.4 kidnapping time limit - if you kidnap someone you can hold them for 20 minutes before you have to let them go or kill them.

4.5 kidnapping rp - if you get kidnaped you can not kill your self to get out of being kidnaped


Section 5: Greenzone Rules

5.1 Do not initiate the following RP in the green zone. Greenzones are areas which protects players from mugs, deaths, theft and kidnappings.
5.2 - Do not use the Greenzone(s) as a safe haven If you run into a Greenzone whilst in an RP situation, you remain in that RP situation despite it being a greenzone. i.e you can still get arrested if wanted
5.3 - By committing a crime in the Greenzone you waive your right to the protection of the zone If you pull a gun out, have printers or are wanted then it is perfectly legal for the police to arrest you in the zone. Likewise, if you kill someone and run into a green zone, gang members are fully entitled to avenge their fallen.

Section 6: Police Rules

6.1 - Police cannot break the law. while police can take bribes to 'forget' crimes, they can not commit crimes them self, such as buying printers/murder, or placing hits. Police may not collect payment to let people out of prison. This act is considered a crime.
6.2 - Police must obey the command of the chief and the Mayor. Refusing to follow orders from the chief or the mayor can result in demotion. If you feel like an order given conflicts with server rules, then contact an admin.
6.3 - Police should only shoot if the target is a threat. This means that they are either actively holding weapon, refusing to follow instructions, or are participating/fleeing from a raid.
6.4 - Don't random arrest. if you are arresting someone, they must have clearly broken a law which you can name.
6.5 - Don't spam checkpoints. A checkpoint is a barricade in the road to stop vehicles passing. They must not use props to block the road, and must instead use the barrier entity provided via the F4 menu.
6.6 - Don't point your gun at people randomly. Police should only point guns at people who are breaking the law / being arrested and must have them on safety when no threat is imminent.
6.7 - Don't randomly tase. Police must tase first if the opportunity is there if you cant tase drive and/or call for backup. You can shoot under certain circumstances such as the stungun is out of range and you have been chasing for a decent amount of time
6.8 - Don't ban someone's driving license if you do not have the situation under control. You should only issue points to someone who has either pulled over, or who’s vehicle has been disabled. You may issue points to players after they have died if they were killed attempting to evade the police.
6.9 - Don’t place spike strips on the road without a valid reason. Spike strips should be used solely to disable a vehicle which is actively evading arrest. Be mindful of others driving on the road as it may pop the tires of an uninvolved individuals.
6.10 - Don’t randomly handcuff people. Handcuffs are used to detain individuals. Handcuffs should only be used when performing weapon checks or when you are arresting a criminal.
6.11 - Don’t battering ram moving vehicles. You may only use the battering ram when the vehicle is stationary. Using a battering ram on a moving vehicle is seen as FailRP. Once you have been battering rammed, you may not re-enter your vehicle. You may only enter your car once you have been asked or the RP situation has ended.
6.12 - Lights an sirens must only be used in emergencies. When enabled, this is the only time the police can break road laws such as illegal parking.

Section 7: Gang Rules

7.1 - Gangs can use up to two buildings. You may not buy a third building, If you do want to move building you must remove all the items from your previous one and sell that base.
7.2 - Government teams cannot be part of a gang. This is seen as FailRP.
7.3 - Only KOS if both gangs agree on a war. Two gangs can not KOS each other unless both gangs have agreed on a conflict.

Section 8: Job Specific Rules

8.1 - Paramedics must do their job. Paramedics must revive any injured person who is not actively involved in a raid.
8.2 - Business teams must have shops. Business teams which should have shops such as chef and gun dealers must have shops active at all times, and be selling to the public.
8.3 - Gun Dealers must sell to everyone. As a gun dealer you can not say no to a customer unless they have wronged you in RP, or you are busy building / in RP.
8.4 - Self supply. As a gun dealer you are allowed to buy yourself 1 or 2 guns for self defence, assuming you will remain as an active gun dealer for 30 minutes minimum. However you may not add shipments of weapons for yourself as a gun dealer.
8.5 - DJ's are the only ones who can play music in public. Only play sensible music through your mic, so no ear rape, if a Police Officer asks you to move on, you must take your music
someplace else.

Section 9: Other rules

9.1 - Admins final word. If a situation is deemed unsuitable, however it is not listed in the rules, the responding admin may make their own decision. If you deem the admins decision unsuitable, make a forum complaint or contact a Admin+ In game.
9.2 - Watch your profanity. Try to not deliberately use offensive / toxic language. Deliberately being offensive with no RP purpose is not suitable behaviour.
9.3 -Don't be a bully. We have a zero tolerance policy on this. Going out of your way to harass other players is unacceptable and will be met with serious consequences.
9.4 -You aren't allowed to scam people under any circumstances in or out of role play (This includes selling people your printers then leaving straight away). The only exception to this rule is for player-run games of chance, which admins cannot help with.
9.5 - Don’t Rope Spam - This includes spamming your rope toolgun.
9.6 - Don't abuse props - The following is not allowed: Propspam, propsurf/climb (using props to get access to areas out of reach), and prop-killing (using props to kill players).

section10: Raiding rules 

10.1 Raid- you must advert raid in chat before starting

10.2 raid over - you must advert when a raid is over 

10.3 NLR during a raid- you have one life during a raid once you die you can not come back even if you get revived by a paramedic.

10.4 Raid timer - you only have 15 minutes during a raid 

10.5 Raid cool down- you can raid the same person/base/PD/Bank/Jewelry store every 25 mins 








Laws: [These laws are breaching rp rules. police can arrest for them, but they are not server rules]

These are base laws which exist, no matter what the Mayor has said in-game. Contradicting these as the Mayor is job abuse and FailRP.

1. Holster your gun. [holding a gun out in public is seen as disrupting the peace]
2. Using excessive foul language in public. [swearing and disturbing other citizens is seen as a breach of the peace]
3. Armed robbery. [breaking and entry, or robbery of commercial property]
4. Assault. [threatening the life of somebody. attacking people, or using weapons or status to force others to give up belongings or money]
5. Breaking and entry. [do not attempt to gain access to somebody's car or property without permission]
6. Don't trespass. [even if the door is open, an area marked as authorised entry only can not be entered]
7. Don't keep, create or distribute illegal substances. Drugs and explosives are deemed illegal, and can not be created, kept or distributed legally.
8. Printers are illegal, Unless they are inside of a player made bank. [money printers are illegal no matter the circumstances, this cannot be contradicted by a mayor's law]
9. Possesion of a gun or knife is illegal.You must have a gun license to posses a gun.

Road laws: [These laws are breaching rp road rules. police can arrest / ban licenses for them, but they are not server rules]

1. Dangerous driving [putting yourself / others lives at risk by unsuitable driving behaviours]
2. Follow the speed limits [going more than 10mph over the speed limit of an area, exact speed limits written below]
3. Collision with another vehicle [if a collision occurs, the person deemed responsible is in breach of this law]
4. Park suitably [not parking in a designated parking area e.g. in the middle of the road / on a yellow line]
5. Your vehicle must be road worthy [a significantly damaged vehicle must be taken straight to a mechanic before being driven again]
6. Stop for the police [failure to stop when signalled by police is seen as resisting arrest]
7. Give way for delivery vehicles [delivery vehicles such as lorries and vans take priority over regular traffic, as they are business transportation]
8. Drive on the right [try your best to drive on the right side of the road only, driving on the left to drive past an obstacle, or make a sharp turn is allowed]
9. Give right of way at stop signs [a stop sign indicates cars on the ahead road have right of way, wait for them to clear the way before pulling out]
10. You must stop after a collision or accident [if you do not stop after a road collision or dangerous road situation your licensed may be banned by the pd for hit and run]


These laws must be upheld by officers at all times.

Please Note: If you're playing as a Mayor you do not need to include these on your law board.

 Admins rules
10.1 - Don’t pick people up with your physgun in rp unless you are helping them get unstuck 
10.2 - Don't tp to player's in rp you can only tp to people when in an admin sit
10.3 - Don't use your admin power to get an advantage in rp
10.5 - Don't be biased when you are doing a sit for a friend(if there is another admin on let them take the sit)
10.6- If you see an admin breaking rules you must report it to your higher ups 

Disclaimer: Breaking any of these Admin rules leaves you subject to losing your powers temporarily, or even permanently in some cases. Furthermore, these rules are subject to change at any point so check regularly. It is at the discretion of a head admin or higher to remove your admin if they see fit.

Useful tips:

If you store your money in the ATM's it will remain safe and not be dropped on death. You will lose 40% of your money in your wallet when you die. The maximum you drop when you die is 100k.

Holding C will allow you to see your inventory, from there you can use a weapon that you've previously stored.


This topic was modified 4 years ago 4 times by Shammy
This topic was modified 4 years ago 10 times by Bio
Posted : 23/08/2020 6:45 pm